Symmetry of Mind/Cemetery Of Mind

In order to better understand the game of chess
one needs to appreciate its symmetrical nature,
or lack thereof.

Initially, each side controls equal space. White has
the area contained by a1-a4, a4-h4, h4-h1, and h1-a1;
Black has a8-a5, a5-h5, h5-h8 plus h8-a8.

Furthermore, each side has 16 men, with each one
facing a matching foe. White's a1 rook takes on
a8, his b1 knight b8, and so forth. The imbalance
appears in White's first-move advantage; he gets
to decide how the symmetry will be broken,
if at all it can be.

If both parties keep absolute territorial and
material control, the game ends in a draw,
otherwise an asymmetry arises.

Oftentimes initiates believe checkmating the
enemy king is the ultimate goal of chess.
On a learned level, such is not the case.
The real aim is to push for an asymmetry that
one then exploits for victory.

Types Of Asymmetry:

Minor Piece Superiority:

The advantageous placement of knights and bishops,
especially in enemy territory.

Pawn Structure Superiority:

The absence of isolated and double pawns plus
other pawn related weaknesses.

Territorial Possession:

The gain of space, particularly in enemy ground.

Material Advantage:

The ownership of more forces than the opposing army.

Developmental Lead:

A superior readiness for action in a particular area
of the board or throughout the arena.

Initial Advantage (Initiative):

* The luxury felt by White from having the
first move

* The ability to dictate a game's pace

Symmetry of Mind/Cemetery Of Mind

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